Decal Instructions

Step 1. Cut out the image you will be using (try to make the cut as clean as possible.)

Step 2. Apply foil gel to the area of the nail where you will be placing the decal and cure for 30-60 seconds.

Step 3. Place your decal in warm water for 10-15 seconds

Step 4. Carefully slide the decal and separate it from the back paper.

Step 5. Place the decal on the nail and carefully smooth the image out with your finger (try to avoid wrinkling.)

Step 6. Seal the decal with your preferred Top Coat (base, glossy or matte.)

Step 7. File away any access Decal that's hanging off of the nail (file in one direction for clean removal)

Step 8. Proceed with any encapsulation if needed Or Top Coat the nail to complete the design.

*Tip" encapsulate decals for best results